Subject Catalogue
A note on the library collection . ملاحظة حول مجموعة المكتبة
On the methodology of contemporary research on Islamic origins
The Late Antique Cultural Milieu
The Political, Anthropological and Economic Environment
The Constituents of the Qur’ān
Judeo-Christian Apocalypticism, Eschatology and Messianism
The ‘Jewish-Christianity’ theory
Research on the Text of the Qur’ān
Chronological re-orderings of the Sūras
Literary analysis of the Qur’ān text
Philology as an exegetical tool
Foreign vocabulary in the Qur’ān
The debate on Syriac linguistic influence
* Early non-Muslim historical sources *
Studies on the life of Muhammad
Studies on Muslim historiography on early Islam
Archaeology, Epigraphy, Numismatics and Topography
المصادر العربية وكتب الاستشراق التي ترجمت إلى العربية
Collected overviews
McAuliffe, J(ed): Encyclopaedia of the Qur’ān: Volume One (A-D); Volume Two (E-I); Volume Three (J-O); Volume Four (P-Sh); Volume Five (Si-Z); Volume Six (Index Volume). Brill, Leiden, Boston, Köln, 2001-2006
McAuliffe, J (ed): The Cambridge Companion to the Qur’ān Cambridge University Press 2007.
Nickel, G and Rippin, A: The Qur’ān (Chapter 10 of The Islamic World, Routledge, London 2008).
Rippin, A (ed): The Blackwell Companion to the Qur’ān Blackwell Publishing, 2006.
On the methodology of contemporary research on Islamic origins
Azaiez, M: Le Coran, Nouvelles approches (éd.) (Introduction) CNRS Editions, 2013, pp.13-35.
Badawi, E el-: البحث عن سياق القرآن التاريخي – نبذة عن الدراسات القرآنية الحديثة (‘In search of the historical context of the Qur’ān – a sample of modern Qur’ānic studies’). Al-Mashriq al-Raqamiyya, Vol 5, December 2014.
Bangert, K: Muhammad: Eine historisch-kritische Studie zur Entstehung des Islams und seines Propheten, Springer 2016.
Berg, H (ed): Method and Theory in the Study of Islamic Origins. Islamic History and Civilisation. Studies and Texts, Volume 49, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2003.
Berg, H, The Needle in the Haystack: Islamic Origins and the Nature of the Early Sources. In Carlos A. Segovia and Basil Lourié (eds): The Coming of the Comforter: When, Where, and to Whom? Studies on the Rise of Islam and Various Other Topics in Memory of John Wansbrough, xv–xxiv. Gorgias Press, 2012, pp.271-302.
Charfi, A: الاسلام بين الرسالة والتاريخ (‘Islam between the Message and the History’), 2nd ed., Dār al-Ṭalīʽa, Beirut, 2008.
Cuypers, M: L’analyse rhetorique face á la critique historique de J. Wansbrough et de G. Lüling, in Carlos A. Segovia and Basil Lourié (eds): The Coming of the Comforter: When, Where, and to Whom? Studies on the Rise of Islam and Various Other Topics in Memory of John Wansbrough, xv–xxiv. Gorgias Press, 2012, pp.343-370.
Déroche, F: La genèse de la ‘Geschichte des Qorâns’ in Déroche, F ; Robin, C and Zink, M (edd.): Les origines du Coran, le Coran des origines, Académie des Inscriptions et Belle-Lettres), Paris 2015, pp.1-26.
Djait, H: تاريخية الدعوة المحمدية (‘The Historicity of Muhammad’s Call’), On the Prophet’s Sīra – 2 – Dār al-Ṭalīʽa, Beirut, 1999.
Donner, F: Seeing the Origins of Islam in Historical Perspective, Wadie Memorial Lecture, Indiana University, November 2002.
Donner, F: The historian, the believer, and the Qur’ān, in Reynolds, G (ed): New Perspectives on the Qur’ān – The Qur’ān in its historical context 2 from Rippin, A (ed): Routledge Studies in the Qur’ān, Routledge 2011, pp. 25-37.
Donner, F: The Qur’an in recent scholarship: challeges and desiderata in Reynolds, G (ed): The Qur’ān in its Historical Context, Routledge Studies in the Qur’ān. London / New York: Routledge, 2008. Pages 29-50.
Donner, F: The Study of Islam’s Origins since W. Montgomery Watt’s Publications Lecture, University of Edinburgh, 2015.
Gilliot, C: Le débat contemporain sur l’islam des origines (‘Contemporary debate on Early Islam’) 2012 G. 3. 139. From Thiérry Bianquis, Pierre Guichard, Matthieu Tillier (sous la direction de), Les Débuts du monde musulman. De Muhammad aux dynasties autonomes, Paris, PUF (Nouvelle Clio), 2012, chap. XXIV, 355-371.
Gross, M: New Ways of Qur’ānic Research: from the Perspective of Comparative Linguistics and Cultural Studies in Ohlig, K (ed): Early Islam: A Critical Reconstruction Based on Contemporary Sources. Prometheus Books, 2013, pp.369-555 (includes a defence of this type of research against cultural relativism).
Hughes, A: The Current Status and Problems of Islamic Origins in Mortensen, M; Dye, G; Oliver, I and Tesei, T: The Study of Islamic Origins: New Perspectives and Contexts (Vol. 15), De Gruyter 2021, pp.11-28.
Hughes, A: The Formative Period of Islam and the Documentary Approach: A Prolegomenon in A Legacy of Learning: Essays in Honor of Jacob Neusner, Brill, 2014, pp.372-385.
Humphreys, R: Islamic History, A Framework for Inquiry, Chapter Two: The Sources – An Analytical Survey, Princeton University Press, 1991.
Hundhammer, M: Qur’ānic Studies between Revisionism and Reinvention – Reflections on the Methodology of Günter Lüling in Tamer, G (ed.) – Die Koranhermeneutik von Günter Lüling, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – Tension, Transmission, Transformation 9, 1, De Gruyter 2018, pp.141-158.
Jablawi, A al-: الإسلام المبكر ، الاستشراق الأنجلوسكسوني الجديد , باتريسيا كرون ومايكل كوك نموذجا (‘Early Islam – New Anglo-Saxon Orientalism – Patricia Crone and Michael Cook as an example’). Al-Kamel Verlag, Köln, 2008.
Kiltz, D: Schatten über den Anfängen ? Wie viel sagen frühislamische Quellen über das aus, was wirklich war? in Schneiders, T (ed.): Islamverherrlichung: Wenn die Kritik zum Tabu wird, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010, pp.19-28.
Mortensen, M; Dye, G; Oliver, I and Tesei, T: The Study of Islamic Origins: New Perspectives and Contexts (Vol. 15), De Gruyter 2021.
Motzki, H: Alternative Accounts of the Qur’ān’s Formation, June 2006, in McAuliffe, J (ed): The Cambridge Companion to the Qur’ān Cambridge University Press 2007, pp.59-75.
Motzki, H: The Collection of the Qur’ān: A Reconsideration of Western Views in Light of Recent Methodological Developments, in Der Islam 78 (2001), 1-34.
Nickel, G: Mingana’s ‘Transmission of the Kur’an’ after 100 years in The Character of Christian-Muslim Encounter, Essays in Honour of David Thomas, Brill, 2015.
Ohlig, K (ed): Early Islam: A Critical Reconstruction Based on Contemporary Sources. Prometheus Books, 2013.
Ohlig, K: Neue Forschungsergebnisse zu den Anfängen des Islam: Eine Einkführung. Inārah, Symposium on the Early History of Islam and the Qur’ān, II. http://inarah.de/sammelbaende-und-artikel/inarah-band-5/vor-und-fruehgeschichte-des-islam/
Ohlig, K; Puin, G (eds): The Hidden Origins of Islam: New Research into Its Early History, Hans Schiller Verlag, 2005, Prometheus Books, 2008.
Ohlig, K: Wer hat den Koran geschrieben? Ein Versuch, Imprimatur, Jg. 47, 2014, Heft 4+5.
Ohlig, K: Wie der Koran wirklich enstand Publik-Forum 21, 2005 ,p62-63.
Ohlig, K: Zur Enthstehung und Frühgeschichte des Islam (Article).
Ohlig, K: Zur Entstehung und Frühgeschichte des Islam: Die religionswissenschaftliche Frage nach den Anfängen Lecture, Erfurt 2007.
Özsoy, Ö; Güneş, S: Plädoyer für ein aufgeklärtes Islamverständnis in Zeiten der Islamkritik in: Schneiders, T (ed.): Islamverherrlichung: Wenn die Kritik zum Tabu wird, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010, pp.73-82.
Popp, V: From Ugarit to Sāmarrā’ – An Archeological Journey on the Trail of Ernst Herzfeld in Ohlig, K (ed): Early Islam: A Critical Reconstruction Based on Contemporary Sources. Prometheus Books, 2013, pp.14-175. (On the pre-history of terms such as ‘muḥammad’, ‘ṣamad’ ‘Qur’ān’ and ‘Islam’ and the meaning of ‘arab’ and an alternative view on the historical and doctrinal development of what later became ‘Islam’).
Reynolds, G: The Crisis of Qur’ānic Studies in The Qur’an and its Biblical Subtext. London: Routledge, 2010
Rippin, A – Western scholarship and the Qur’ān in McAuliffe, J (ed): The Cambridge Companion to the Qur’ān Cambridge University Press 2007, pages 235-251.
Robinson, C: Crone and the End of Orientalism
Robinson, C: Reconstructing Early Islam: Truth and Consequences, in Berg, H (ed): Method and Theory in the Study of Islamic Origins. Islamic History and Civilisation. Studies and Texts, Volume 49, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2003, pp101-134.
Sadeghi, B (et al) (eds): Islamic Cultures, Islamic Contexts: Essays in Honor of Professor Patricia Crone, (eds. Behnam Sadeghi, Asad Q. Ahmed, Robert Hoyland, Adam Silverstein), Leiden: E. J. Brill 2014.
Schneiders, T (ed.): Islamverherrlichung: Wenn die Kritik zum Tabu wird, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010.
Segovia, C: Los orígenes del Corán, Del simulacro al laberinto. Revista de Libros, Febrero 2016.
Segovia, C: J. Wansbrough and the Problem of Islamic Origins in Recent Scholarship: A Farewell to the Traditional Account. From Carlos A. Segovia and Basil Lourié (eds): The Coming of the Comforter: When, Where, and to Whom? Studies on the Rise of Islam and Various Other Topics in Memory of John Wansbrough, xv–xxiv. Gorgias Press, 2012.
Sinai, N: Fortschreibung und Auslegung, Studien zur frühen Koraninterpretation, Harrassowitz Verlagen, Wiesbaden 2009.
Sinai, N: Gottes Wort und menschliche Deutung: Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von islamischer Schriftauslegung und historischer Kritik, in: Deutung des Wortes – Deutung der Welt im Gespräch zwischen Islam und Christentum, edited by Andreas Feldtkeller and Notger Slenczka, Leipzig 2015, pp. 151–171.
Steenbrink, K: New Orientalist Suggestions on the Origins of Islam The Journal of Rotterdam Islamic and Social Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2010
Wansbrough, J: Quranic Studies – Sources and Methods of Scriptural Interpretation. Prometheus Books, New York,2004.
Wansbrough, J: Res Ipsa Loquitur: History and Mimesis in Berg, H (ed): Method and Theory in the Study of Islamic Origins. Islamic History and Civilisation. Studies and Texts, Volume 49, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2003, pp.3-20.
Zadeh, T: Quranic Studies and the Literary Turn Review of Ernst, C: How to read the Qur’ān: A New Guide, with Select Translations, Chapel Hill, 2011.
The Late Antique Cultural Milieu
The historical, cultural and religious context for the development of early Islam
History & Cultural Context
Azmeh, A al-: The Arabs and Islam in Late Antiquity: A Critique of Approaches to Arabic Sources, Gerlach Press 2014.
Azmeh, A al-: The Emergence of Islam in Late Antiquity, Allah and His People, Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Daryaee, T: Sasanian Persia, The Rise and Fall of an Empire, I.B Tauris, 2009.
Donner, F: The Historical Context, in McAuliffe, J (ed): The Cambridge Companion to the Qur’ān (Part I – Formation of the Qur’anic text), Cambridge University Press 2007, pp. 23-40.
Fowden, G: Before and After Muhammad: The First Millennium Revisited, Princeton University Press 2013.
Funke, P: Die syrisch-mesopotamische Staatenwelt in vorislamischer Zeit, Zu den arabischen Macht- und Staatenbildungen an der Peripherie der antiken Großmächte im Hellenismus und in der römischen Kaiserzeit, From Funck, B (Ed): Hellenismus. Beiträge zur Erforschung von Akkulturation und politischer Ordnung in den Staaten des hellenistischen Zeitalters, Tübingen 1996, S. 217-238
Hoyland, R: Insider and Outsider Sources: Historiographical Reflections on Late Antique Arabia, in J. Dijkstra and G. Fisher (eds), Inside and Out. Interactions between Rome and the Peoples on the Arabian and Egyptian Frontiers in Late Antiquity, LAHR 8.
Hoyland, R (ed) – The Late Antique World of Early Islam: Muslims among Christians and Jews in the East Mediterranean, Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam 25, Gerlach Press 2021.
Litvinsky, B (ed): History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Volume III: The crossroads of civilizations: A.D. 250 to 750. Chapters 2-3 (Sasanian Iran), Chapters 17-18 (Religions and Religious Movements), Chapter 19 (The Arab Conquest) UNESCO Multiple History Series, 1996.
Nagel, T (ed.): Der Koran Und Sein Religiöses Und Kulturelles Umfeld, R. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich 2010.
Neuwirth, A: Qur’an and History – A disputed relationship Journal of Qur’anic Studies.
Neuwirth, A; Sinai, N; Marx, M: The Qur’an in Context, Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qur’ānic Milieu from Böwering, G; McAuliffe, J: Texts and Studies on the Qur’ān, Vol.6, Brill 2010.
Peters, F (ed): The Arabs and Arabia on the Eve of Islam (The Formation of the Classical Islamic World, Vol. 3), Routledge 1999.
Pirenne, H: Mohammed and Charlemagne. London 1939. Original French text: Mahomet et Charlemagne, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 1992 (1e Edition, Bruxelles, 1937).
Retsö, J: The Road to Yarmuk: The Arabs and the Fall of the Roman Power in the Middle East in Aspects of Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium, Swedish Research institute in Istanbul Transactions, Vol.4. June 1992.
Reynolds, G: The Emergence of Islam – Classical Traditions in Contemporary Perspective, Fortress Press, Minneapolis 2012.
Reynolds, G (ed): The Qur’ān in its Historical Context London, Routledge 2008.
Reynolds, G (ed): New Perspectives on the Qur’ān – The Qur’ān in its historical context 2 from Rippin, A (ed): Routledge Studies in the Qur’ān, Routledge 2011.
Robinson, C (ed): The New Cambridge History of Islam – Vol 1 – Formation of the Islamic World Sixth to Eleventh Centuries, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Rousseau, P (ed): A Companion to Late Antiquity, Blackwell Publications, 2009.
Shoemaker, S: Muhammad and the Qur’ān in The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity. Chapter 33.
Tannous, J: Syria between Byzantium and Islam: Making Incommensurables Speak. Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton University, 2010.
Whittow, M: The late Roman / early Byzantine Near East in Robinson, C (ed): The New Cambridge History of Islam – Vol 1 – Formation of the Islamic World Sixth to Eleventh Centuries, Cambridge University Press, 2011, pages 72-97.
Wiesehöfer, J: The late Sasanian Near East in Robinson, C (ed): The New Cambridge History of Islam – Vol 1 – Formation of the Islamic World Sixth to Eleventh Centuries, Cambridge University Press, 2011, pages 98-152.
Azmeh, Aziz al-: Paleo-Islam: Transfigurations of Late Antique Religion, from A Companion to Religion in Late Antiquity, edd. J. Lōssl and N. Baker-Brian, Wiley, Blackwell, 2018.
Brown, P: The Rise and Function of the Holy Man in Late Antiquity, The Journal of Roman Studies, Volume 61 (1971), 80-101.
Engles, D: Historising Religion between Spiritual Continuity and Friendly Takeover. Salvation History and Religious Competition during the First Millenium AD, in: D. Engels / P. Van Nuffelen (eds.), Religion and Competition in Antiquity, Bruxelles 2014,, 237-284 (Section on Islam pp.264-ff).
Grasso, V: The Gods of the Qur’ān: The Rise of Ḥijāzī Henotheism during Late Antiquity in Mortensen, M; Dye, G; Oliver, I and Tesei, T: The Study of Islamic Origins: New Perspectives and Contexts (Vol. 15), De Gruyter 2021, pp.297-324.
Hoyland, R: Early Islam as a Late Antique Religion, from Johnson, J (ed): The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity, Section: Religions and Religious Identity, Chapter 32, Oxford University Press, 2012.
Newby, G: The Rise of Islam, Time, and the End of Anxiety: Apocalypse and Apocalypticism in the East Mediterranean at the Beginnings of Islam. Monograph.
Stroumsa, G: From Abraham’s religion to the Abrahamic religions, Historia Religionum, 3, 2011, pp.11-22.
Stroumsa, G: The Making of the Abrahamic Religions in Late Antiquity, Oxford Studies in the Abrahamic Religions, Oxford University Press 2015.
Tesei, T: Some Cosmological Notions from Late Antiquity in Q 18:60–65: The Quran in Light of Its Cultural Context. Journal of the American Oriental Society 135,1 (2015) 19-32.
Wheeler, B – Animal sacrifice and the origins of Islam, Cambridge University Press 2022.
Pre-Islamic Arabia
The Arabian context for the development of early Islam
Neuwirth, A: Locating the Qur’an in the Epistemic Space of Late Antiquity Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 54:2 (2013), ss.189-203.
The Political, Anthropological and Economic Environment
Aladieh, S: Meccan Trade Prior to the Rise of Islam, Doctoral Thesis, University of Durham, 1991.
Bonner, M: Commerce and Migration in Arabia before Islam: a Brief History of a Long Literary Tradition. From Iranian Languages and Culture, Chapter 5, 65-89.
Christides, V: The Himyarite-Ethiopian war and the Ethiopian occupation of South Arabia in the acts of Gregentius (ca. 530 A.D.). Annales d’Ethiopie, Année 1972 Volume 9 Numéro 1, pp. 115-146.
Crone, P: Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam Gorgias Press 20014.
Crone, P: تجارة مكة وظهور الاسلام (Arabic tr. of Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam ) Al-Mashrūʽ al-Qawmī lil-Tarjama, 2005.
Crone, P: How did the Quranic Pagans Make a Living? Bulletin of SOAS, 68, 3 (2005), 387-399.
Crone, P: Quraysh and the Roman army: Making sense of Meccan leather trade, Bulletin of SOAS, 70, 1 (2007), 63–88
Donner, F: The Role of Nomads in the Near East in Late Antiquity (400 – 800 c.e.) in Clover, F; Humphreys, R (eds): Tradition and Innovation in Late Antiquity. University of Wisconsin Press 1989.
Eickelman, D: Musaylimah: An Anthropological Appraisal, MA thesis, 1967.
Finster, B – Arabia in Late Antiquity: An Outline of the Cultural Situation in the Peninsula at the Time of Muhammad in Neuwirth, A; Sinai, N; Marx, M: The Qur’an in Context, Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qur’ānic Milieu from Böwering, G; McAuliffe, J: Texts and Studies on the Qur’ān, Vol.6, Brill 2010, pages 61-114.
Fisher, G: Arabia and the Late Antique East: Current Research, New Problems.
Fisher, G: Kingdoms or Dynasties? Arabs, History, and Identity Before Islam. Journal of Late Antiquity 4.2 (Fall): 245–267, 2011.
Ghabin, A: Some Jāhilī origins of the ḥisba, JSAI 35 (2008).
Helabi, A; Letsios, D; al-Moraekhi, M and Abduljabbar, A (edd) – Arabia, Greece and Byzantium – Cultural Contacs in Ancient and Medieval Times, Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Historical Relations between Arabia the Greek andByzantine World (5th century BC-10th century AD) Riyadh, 6 – 10 December, 2010, Riyadh 2012.
Henninger, J: Arabica Sacra: Aufsatze zur Religionsgeschichte Arabiens und seiner Randgebiete, Universitatsverlag Freiburg Schweiz; Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Göttingen, 1981.
Hoyland, R: Arabian Peninsula / pre-Islamic Arabia, Encyclopaedia of Islam III.
Korotayev, A; Klimenko, V; Proussakov, D: Origins of Islam: Political-Anthropological and Environmental Context. Acta Orientalia Academiae Sceintarum Hung. Vol. A2 (3-4), 243-276 (1999).
Lecker, M: Pre Islamic Arabia in Robinson, C (ed): The New Cambridge History of Islam – Vol 1 – Formation of the Islamic World Sixth to Eleventh Centuries, Cambridge University Press, 2011, pages 153-170.
Lindstedt, I: Pre-Islamic Arabia and Early Islam, in H Berg (ed.): Routledge Handbook on Early Islam, Routledge Abingdon, pp.159–176.
Macdonald, M (et al.): Arabs and Empires before the Sixth Century, in Fisher, G (ed): Arabs and Empires before Islam, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, pp.11-89.
Macdonald, M: Was there a “Bedouinization of Arabia”?, Der Islam 2015; 92(1): 42–84.
Morris, I: Mecca and Macoraba, Al- ‘Uṣūr al-Wustā 26 (2018): pp.1-60.
Retsö, J: Arabs, in Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics ed. K. Versteegh & al., Vol. I Leiden-Boston 2006 pp. 126-133.
Retsö, J: In the Shade of Himyar and Sasan. The Political History of Pre-Islamic Arabia According to the Ayyaam al-‘arab-Literature. Arabia 2 (2004) pp. 111-118.
Robin, C.J : L’Arabie à la Veille de L’Islam, La Campagne d’Abraha contre la Mecque, ou la Guerre des Pèlerinages in Colloque : Les Sanctuaires et leur Rayonnement dans le Monde Méditerranéen de l’Antiquité à l’Époque moderne, Paris, 2010.
Robin, C. J: L’Arabie dans le Coran. Réexamen de quelques termes à la lumière des inscriptions préislamiques in Déroche, F ; Robin, C and Zink, M (edd.): Les origines du Coran, le Coran des origines, Académie des Inscriptions et Belle-Lettres), Paris 2015, pp.27-74.
Robin, C.J : The Peoples Beyond The Arabian Frontier In Late Antiquity: Recent Epigraphic Discoveries and Latest Advances, in Inside and Out: Interactions between Rome and the Peoples on the Arabian and Egyptian Frontiers in Late Antiquity edited by Jitse H.F. Dijkstra & Greg Fisher, Peeters Leuven, Paris, Walpole, MA 2014, pp.33-79.
Schiettecatte, J: À la veille de l’islam: effondrement ou transformation du monde antique ? In Ch. Robin & J. Schiettecatte (éd.), Les préludes de l’islam. Ruptures et continuités des civilisations du Proche-Orient, de l’Afrique orientale, de l’Arabie et de l’Inde à la veille de l’Islam (Orient et Méditerranée, 11), Paris, De Boccard, p. 9-36.
Shahid, I: Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fifth Century, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library, Washington, D.C. 1989, p.528ff.
Shahid, I: روما والعرب, مقدمة في دراسة العلاقات بين بيزنطة والعرب (‘Rome and The Arabs – A Prolegomenon to the Study of Byzantium and the Arabs’) Tr.by Q. M Suwaydān. Dār Kīwān, Damascus.
Shahid, I – Rome and The Arabs – A Prolegomenon to the Study of Byzantium and the Arabs
The Arabs played an important role in Roman-controlled Oriens in the four centuries or so that elapsed from the Settlement of Pompey in 64 B.C. to the reign of Diocletian, A.D. 284–305. In Rome and the Arabs Irfan Shahîd explores this extensive but poorly known role and traces the phases of the Arab-Roman relationship, especially in the climactic third century, which witnessed the rise of many powerful Roman Arabs such as the Empresses of the Severan Dynasty, Emperor Philip, and the two rulers of Palmyra, Odenathus and Zenobia. Philip the Arab, the author argues, was the first Christian Roman emperor and Abgar the Great (ca. 200 A.D.) was the first Near Eastern ruler to adopt Christianity. In addition to political and military matters, the author also discusses Arab cultural contributions, pointing out the role of the Hellenized and Romanized Arabs in the urbanization of the region and in the progress of Christianity, particularly in Edessa under the Arab Abgarids.
Tor, D: The Long Shadow of Pre-Islamic Iranian Rulership: Antagonism or Assimilation? in Late Antiquity: Eastern Perspectives, ed. A. Silverstein and T. Bernheimer. E.J.W. Gibb Memorial Series, Oxford: Oxbow, 2012, pp. 145-163.
Toral-Niehoff, I: Late Antique Iran and the Arabs: The Case of al-Hira, in Journal of Persianate Studies 6 (2013) 115-126’
Wood, P: Christianity and the Arabs in the sixth century in G. Fisher and J. Djikstra (eds.), Inside and Out: Interactions Between Rome and the Peoples on the Arabian and Egyptian Frontiers in Late Antiquity (Peeters, 2014).
Arab paganism
Badawi, I – Female Divinity in the Qur’ān: In Conversation with the Bible and the Ancient Near East, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.
Crone, P: The Religion of the Quranic Pagans; God and the Lesser Deities Arabica 57 (2010) 151-200.
Dost, S: Language of Ritual Purity in the Qur’ān and Old South Arabian, Pre-publication draft of article to appear in Scripts and Scripture: Writing and Religion in Arabia, 500–700 CE (Fred M. Donner & Rebecca Hasselbach-Andee, eds.). Chicago: Oriental Institute.
Hawting, G: The Idea of Idolatry and the Emergence of Islam: From Polemic to History Cambridge, University Press, 1999
Hoyland, R: Arabia and the Arabs, from the Bronze Age to the coming of Islam, Routledge, London, New York, 2001.
Hussein, T: في الأدب الجاهلي (‘On pre-Islamic Literature’) 3rd Ed. Faruq, Cairo, 1933.
Hussein, T: في الشعر الجاهلي (‘On pre-Islamic Poetry’) Dar al-Nadwa.
Kalbi, Hisham Ibn al-: The Book of Idols (online source)
Kalbi, Hisham Ibn al-: كتاب الأصنام (Arabic text) Ed. A. Basha, Dar al-Kutub, Cairo 1995.
Karmali, A, al-: اديان العرب و خرافاتهم (‘The Religions and Myths of the Arabs’), Al-Mu’assasat al-‘Arabiyya lil-Dirāsāt wal-Nashr, Beirut 2005.
Lecker, M: Was Arabian Idol Worship Declining on the Eve of Islam?, Lecture delivered at Yad Ben Zvi in Jerusalem,1999.
Macdonald, M: Goddesses, dancing girls or cheerleaders? Perceptions of the divine and the female form in the rock art of pre-Islamic North Arabia, Orient & Méditerranée, No.7. 2012.
Pavlovitch, P: On the Problem of the Pre-Islamic Lord of the Kaʽba. Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies 2 (1998/99), pp.49-74.
Rubin, U: The Ka‘ba. Aspects of its Ritual Functions and Position in pre-Islamic and Early Islamic Times, J.S.A.I., 8, 1986 .
Seidensticker, T – Sources for the History of Pre-Islamic Religion in Neuwirth, A; Sinai, N; Marx, M: The Qur’an in Context, Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qur’ānic Milieu from Böwering, G; McAuliffe, J: Texts and Studies on the Qur’ān, Vol.6, Brill 2010, pages 293-322.
Webb, P: Creating Arab Origins: Muslim Constructions of al-Jāhiliyya and Arab History, Doctoral thesis, SOAS, London 2014.
Webb, P: Cry me a Jāhiliyya: Muslim Reconstructions of Pre-Islamic Arabian Culture – A Case Study in Islam at 250: Studies in Memory of G.H.A. Juynboll, 2020, pp.235-280.
Wellhausen, J: Reste arabischen Heidentums, Berlin 1897.
The Nabataeans
Alpass, P: The Religious Life of Nabataea (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World, Vol.175), Brill 2013.
Healey, J: The Religion of the Nabataeans – A Conspectus (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World Vol. 136), Brill 2001.
Peterson, S: The Cult of Dushara and the Roman Annexation of Nabataea, Doctoral Thesis, McMaster University August 2006.
Politis, K: Nabataean Cultural Continuity into the Byzantine Period. From Politis, K (ed): The World of the Nabataeans : volume 2 of the International Conference The World of the Herods and the Nabataeans held at the British Museum, 17 – 19 April 2001, Stuttgart 2007, pp.187-200.
Wenning, R: The Nabataeans in History. From Politis, K (ed): The World of the Nabataeans : volume 2 of the International Conference The World of the Herods and the Nabataeans held at the British Museum, 17 – 19 April 2001, Stuttgart 2007, pp. 25-44.
Pre-Islamic Arab monotheism
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The Constituents of the Qur’ān
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Mythological / Pagan elements
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The Alexander Romance
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The Seven Sleepers / Aṣḥāb al-Kahf
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Zoroastrian elements
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Gnostic elements
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Manichaean elements
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Judaic elements
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The ‘Jewish-Christianity’ theory
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Donner, F: Muhammad and the Believers’ Movement. Chapter 2 of Muhammad and the Believers: At the Origin of Islam (2010).
Dost, S: ‘An Arabian Qur’ān’ (dissertation), University of Chicago, June 2017.
Dye, G: Jewish Christianity, the Qur’ān, and Early Islam: some methodological caveats, in Del Rio Sanchez, F (ed): Jewish Christianity and the Origins of Islam, Papers presented at the Colloquium held in Washington DC, October 29-31, 2015 (8th ASMEA Conference), Brepols 201, pp.11-29.
Gallez, E: The Genealogy of Islam (schematic plan).
Gilliot, C: Le Coran, Muhammad et le Judéo-Christianisme. (Section B of Deux études sur le Coran, a review article of G Lüling: Über den Ur-Qur’ān, Ansätze zur Rekonstruktion vorislamischer christlicher Strophenlieder im Qur’ān, Erlangen, H. Lüling 1974). Arabica, Tome XXX, Fascicule 1, 1983. See pp.16-37.
Gobillot, G: Des textes Pseudo Clemantins á la mystique Juive des premiers siècles et du Sinaï á Ma’rib, Quelques coïncidences entre context culturel et localisation géographique dans le Coran in Carlos A. Segovia and Basil Lourié (eds): The Coming of the Comforter: When, Where, and to Whom? Studies on the Rise of Islam and Various Other Topics in Memory of John Wansbrough, xv–xxiv. Gorgias Press, 2012, pp.3-90.
Griffith, S: Al-Naṣārā in the Qur’ān: a hermeneutical reflection in Reynolds, G (ed): New Perspectives on the Qur’ān – The Qur’ān in its historical context 2 from Rippin, A (ed): Routledge Studies in the Qur’ān, Routledge 2011, pp.301-322.
Hawting, G: “Has God sent a mortal as a messenger?” (Q 17:95): messengers and angels in the Qur’ān in Reynolds, G (ed): New Perspectives on the Qur’ān – The Qur’ān in its historical context 2 from Rippin, A (ed): Routledge Studies in the Qur’ān, Routledge 2011, pp.372-390.
Hoyland, R: The Jewish and/or Christian Audience of the Qur’ān and the Arabic Bible, in F. del Rio Sanchez (ed): Jewish Christianity and the Origins of Islam, Brepols 2018, pp.31-40.
Klein, A and Reinink, G: Patristic Evidence for Jewish-Christian Sects, Brill, Leiden, 1973.
Mimouni, S: Du Verus propheta chrétien (ébionite?) au Sceau des prophètes musulman, ASMEA Conference paper, Washington, 2015.
Ohlig, K: Das syrische und arabische Christentum und der Qur’ān, Inārah.de.
Ohlig, K: Zum Einfluss des Juden-christentums auf Koran und Islam – Einige Beobachtungen und Fragen, Imprimatur, Heft 1, 2017.
Pines, Sh: The Jewish Christians of the Early Centuries of Christianity According to a New Source. Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Vol. II, No. 13
Segovia, C: El Judeocristianismo: Una Nueva Hipótesis; Seguido de un Resumen de la Demostración 17 de Afraates (Sobre la Divinidad de Cristo).
Segovia, C: The Jews and Christians of Pre-Islamic Yemen (Himyar) and the Elusive Matrix of the Qur’ān’s Christologyin Del Rio Sanchez, F (ed): Jewish Christianity and the Origins of Islam, Papers presented at the Colloquium held in Washington DC, October 29-31, 2015 (8th ASMEA Conference), Brepols 2018, pp.91-104.
Shoemaker, S: A New Arabic Apocryphon from Late Antiquity: The Qurʾān in Mortensen, M; Dye, G; Oliver, I and Tesei, T: The Study of Islamic Origins: New Perspectives and Contexts (Vol. 15), De Gruyter 2021, pp.29-42.
Shoemaker, S : Jewish Christianity, Non-Trinitarianism, and the Beginnings of Islam in Del Rio Sanchez, F (ed): Jewish Christianity and the Origins of Islam, Papers presented at the Colloquium held in Washington DC, October 29-31, 2015 (8th ASMEA Conference), Brepols 2018, pp.105-116
Stroumsa, G: Jewish Christianity and Islamic Origins From Islamic Cultures, Islamic Contexts, Essays in Honor of Professor Patricia Crone, Brill, Leiden, 2015.
Stroumsa, G: Judéo-Christianisme et l’Islam des Origines in Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, vol. 2013, no. 1 (January-March 2013): pp.489-512.
Von Sivers, P: Islamic Origins: Anti-Theopaschism and Trisagion in the Near East in the early 600sin Academia Letters, May 2021.
Zellentin, H: banū isrāʾīl, ahl al-kitāb, al-yahūd wa-l-naṣārā: The Qur’anic Community’s Encounters with Jews and Christians in Entangled Religions (2023).
Zellentin, H: Judaeo-Christian legal cuture and the Qur’ān: the case of ritual slaughter and the consumption of animal blood, in Del Rio Sanchez, F (ed): Jewish Christianity and the Origins of Islam, Papers presented at the Colloquium held in Washington DC, October 29-31, 2015 (8th ASMEA Conference), Brepols 2018, pp.117-159
Zellentin, H – The Qur’an’s Legal Culture, The Didascalia Apostolorum as a Point of Departure. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013.
Zellentin, H: The Qurʾān’s Reformation of Judaism and Christianity in Routledge Studies in the Quran; New York: Routledge, 2019 (Introduction). (18 MB)
Research on the Text of the Qur’ān
Extra-Islamic influence and its reflection in the fabric of the Text
Bell, R: Introduction to the Qur’an. Revised by Montgomery Watt, Edinburgh University Press, 1970 (online source)
McAuliffe, J (ed): The Cambridge Companion to the Qur’ān Cambridge University Press 2007.
Segovia, C; Lourié, B (eds): The Coming of the Comforter: When, Where, and to Whom? Studies on the Rise of Islam and Various Other Topics in Memory of John Wansbrough, Gorgias Press, 2012.
* Studies by Qur’ānic sūra
Chronological re-orderings of the Sūras
Aldeeb, S: القرآن الكريم بالتسلسل التاريخي للنزول وفقا للأزهر Along with indications of variant readings, abrogated verses, Judaic and Christian sources, and linguistic problems. Centre de droit arabe et musulman, 2012.
Frolov, D : Medieval Muslim Discussions about the Order of Suras and Their Relevance for the Study of the Composition of the Qur’an, in Vestnik Moscovskogo Universiteta, Series 13 ‘Oriental Studies’, 2001, No.1, pp.29-40.
Mirza, U: The Chronological Koran, With the Original Biography of Mohammed, his Traditions, Letters, Treaties, and the Sharia Law, Guildford Scientific Press, 2018.
Reynolds, G: Le problème de la chronologie du Coran, Arabica 58 (2011) 477-502
Shakir, M: Chronological Qur’ān, The Meaning in English. Arranged in reverse chronological order. The most recent Sūra (chapter) at the beginning, to assist with the study of Abrogation. Sola Virtus.
Stefanidis, E: The Qur’ān Made Linear: A Study of the Geschichte des Qorāns’ Chronological Reordering (Examining the work by Nöldeke, T: History of the Qur’an ). Journal of Qur’anic Studies, Vol. X, Issue II (2008).
Literary analysis of the Qur’ān text
Abdeljalil, M-A: بضع ملاحظات على أسلوب الالتفات في القرآن (‘Some observations on the style of exclamatory apostrophe in the Qur’ān’)
Abdeljalil, M-A : دور محمد في تأليف القرآن (‘The role of Muhammad in the Composition of the Qur’ān’)
Abdeljalil, M-A: L’analyse du Coran à la lumière de la déconstruction de Derrida, La sourate XXII (Al-Ḥajj) comme modèle.
Arkoun, M : Introduction : An Assessment of and Perspectives on the Study of the Qur’ãn in Rippin, A (ed.): The Qur’an: Style and Contents. Routledge, London and New York, 2016, pp.297-332. (A comparison between traditional and contemporary Orientalist analysis).
Azaiez, M ; Reynolds, G ; Tesei, T ; Hamza, Z (eds) : The Qur’an Seminar Commentary, A Collaborative Study of 50 Qur’anic Passages, June 2016. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2016. A collection of 27 different scholars with a diverse range of disciplinary backgrounds (Arabic language, comparative Semitic linguistics, paleography, epigraphy, history, rhetorical theory, hermeneutics, and Biblical studies) provide readers with unique insight into the latest trends of research in the Qurʾan. The work is a useful and illuminating reference work for students and scholars alike in the field of Qurʾanic Studies, who will find that the 50 passages selected for inclusion in this work include many of the most important and influential elements of the Qurʾan.
Azmeh, Aziz al-, Canon and canonisation of the Qurʾān, in the Islamic religious sciences, in Encyclopaedia of Islam III, 2013.
Boisliveau, A-S: Canonisation du Coran… par le Coran ? (‘Canonization of the Qur’ân… by the Qur’ân?’), Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée 129, pp.153-168.
Boisliveau, A-S: Polemics in the Koran. The Koran’s Negative Argumentation over its Own Origin. Brill Arabica, Volume 60 (2013): Issue 1-2 (Jan 2013).
Böwering, G: Recent research on the construction of the Qur’an in in Reynolds, G (ed): The Qur’ān in its Historical Context, Routledge Studies in the Qur’ān. London / New York: Routledge, 2008. Pages 70-87.
Crone, P: Two legal problems bearing on the early history of the Qur’ān. From Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam, 18 (1994): 1-37.
Cuypers, M: La composition du Coran – نظم القرآن . Éditions Gabalda et Cie, France 2011.
Cuypers, M: نظرة جديدة في نظم القرأن tr. Y. Ḥabīb. From 3rd International Conference on العلوم الإسلامية والعربية وقضايا الإعجاز في القرأن والسنة بين التراث والمعاصرة , University of Minya 3-4 June 2007.
Cuypers, M: The Composition of the Qur’an, Rhetorical Analysis, Bloomsbury Academic, London and New York 2015. Explaining the various rhetorical principles that underlay the composition of the Qur’ānic text, taking their literary context into consideration.
Cuypers, M: The question of the Qur’an’s coherence in the history of its exegesis (Extract from “The Banquet”).
Dye, G : Concepts and Methods in the Study of the Qur’ān, Religions 12: 599.
Dye, G: The Qur’ān and its Hypertextuality in Light of Redaction Criticism. Paper for early Islam: the sectarian media of late Antiquity? (Early Islamic Studies Seminar, Milan June 2015).
Gilliot, C : Collecte ou mémorisation du Coran. Essai d’analyse d’un vocabulaire ambigu (‘Collection or memorization of the Koran. An attempt to analyse an ambiguous vocabulary’) from Lohlker (Rüdiger) (hrsg. von), Ḥadīṯstudien – Die Überleferungen des Propheten im Gespräch. Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Tilman Nagel, Hambourg, Verlag Dr. Kovac, 2009, p. 77-132.
Gilliot, C: La composition des sourates mekkoises. (Section A of Deux études sur le Coran, a review article of A. Neuwirth: Studien zur Komposition der mekkanischen Suren, Berlin, New York 1981). Arabica, Tome XXX, Fascicule 1, 1983. See pp.1-16.
Gilliot, C: Creation of a fixed text, from Dammen McAuliffe (Jane) (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Qur’ān, Cambridge, CUP (Cambridge Companions to Religion), 2006, p. 41-57
Gilliot, C; Larcher, P: Language and style of the Qurʾān from Encyclopaedia of the Qur’ān [EQ], III, Leyde, Brill, 2003, p. 109-35.
Gilliot, C: Les traditions sur la composition ou coordination du Coran (taʾlīf al-qurʾān) (‘The Traditions on the coordination/compilation of the Qur’ān’ (taʾlīf al-qurʾān). From Gilliot (Claude) und Tilman Nagel (hrsg. von), Das Prophetenḥadīṯ. Dimensionen einer islamischen Literaturgattung, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. I. Philologisch-Hist. Kl., Jahr. 2005/1), 2005, p. 14-39.
Gilliot, C: Oralité et écriture dans la genèse, la transmission et la fixation du Coran (‘The oral and the written in genesis, transmission and creation of a fixed text of the Qurʾān’). Presses Universitaires de Provence, 2014.
Gilliot, Claude, Reconsidering the authorship of the Qurʾān. Is the Qurʾan partly the fruit of a progressive and collective work? in The Qur’ān in its Historical Context p.88-108.
Gilliot, C: Une reconstruction critique du Coran ou comment en finir avec les merveilles de la lampe d’Aladin? In M. Kropp (ed.), Results of contemporary research on the Qurʾān. The question of a historio-critical text, Beyrouth, Orient-Institut der DMG/Würzburg, Ergon Verlag (« Beiruter Texte und Studien », 100), 2007, p. 33-137.
Haddad, Y. D al-: نظم القرآن والكتاب – 1 – إعجاز القرآن (‘The Composition of the Qur’an and the Book – Part One – The Inimitability of the Qur’an’) Qur’ānic Studies, (3). Muhammadanism.org.
Horovitz, J: Koranische Untersuchungen, De Gruyter, Berlin and Leipzig 1926.
Makin, A: Representing the Enemy: Musaylima in Muslim Literature, (Introduction to the work) Peter Lang Publications, 2010. (That remaining fragments of Musaylima’s qur’ān bear substantial similarities to the early Meccan verses of the Qur’ān – in terms of diction, style, and pattern, and that there were likely several prophets and qur’āns in sixth-seventh century Arabia)
Makin, A: Re-Thinking Other Claimants to Prophethood: the Case of Umayya ibn Abi Salt. Paper presented at the IKGF colloquium “Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe” , Ruhr University, November, 2009.
Makin, A: Sharing the concept of god among trading prophets: reading the poem of Umayya b. Abi Salt, in Wick, P; Rabens, V (eds): Religions and Trade, Religious Formation, Transformation and Cross-Cultural Exchange between East and West, Brill, 2014, pp.283-305.
Motzki, H: Alternative accounts of the Qur’ān’s formation, in Dammen McAuliffe (Jane) (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Qur’ān , Cambridge, CUP (Cambridge Companions to Religion), 2006, p. 59-75.
Neuwirth, A: Two Faces of the Qur’ān: Qur’ān and Mushaf, Oral Tradition, 25/1 (2010): 141-156.
Nöldeke, T: Remarques critiques sur le style et la syntaxe du Coran, traduit avec postface par G.-H. Bousquet, Paris 1953 (‘Critical remarks on the style and syntax of the Koran’)
Reynolds, Gabriel Said, Biblical Turns of Phrase in the Quran, in Light upon Light: A Festschrift Presented to Gerhard Böwering by His Students, ed. J. Elias and B. Orfali (Leiden: Brill, 2019), 45-69.
Rippin, A: Literary Analysis of Koran, Tafsir, and Sira: The Methodologies of John Wansbrough in R. C. Martin (ed): Approaches to Islam in its Religious Studies, Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 1985, pp.151-163, 227-32.r
Rippin, A (ed.): The Qur’an: Style and Contents. Routledge, London and New York, 2016.
Ross, D: Studies upon the Relationship of the Poems ascribed to Umayya b. Abî’l-Ṣalt with the Qur’ân, A translation (with forward) of Israel Frank-Kamenetzky’s Untersuchungen über das Verhältnis der dem Umajja b. Abi ṣ Ṣalt zugeschrieben Gedichte zum Qorān, and of Theodor Nöldeke ’s review “Umaija b. Abi’ṣṢalt”. November 2013.
Schoeler, G: The Constitution of the Koran as a Codified Work: Paradigm for Codifying Hadīth and the Islamic Sciences? Oral Tradition, 25/1 (2010): 199-21
Sinai, N: Fortschreibung und Auslegung: Studien zur frühen Koraninterpretation, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009.
Sinai, N: Qurʾānic Self-Referentiality as a Strategy of Self-Authorization, From Self-Referentiality in the Qurʾān, edited by Stefan Wild, Wiesbaden 2006, pp. 103–134.
Sinai, N: Religious poetry from the Quranic milieu: Umayya b. Abī l-Salṭ on the fate of the Thamūd. Bulletin of SOAS , 74, 3 (2011), 397-416.
Sinai, N: The Qur’ān: A Historical-Critical Introduction, Edinburgh University Press, 2017.
Sinai, N: The Qurʾan as Process in Neuwirth, A; Sinai, N; Marx, M: The Qur’an in Context, Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qur’ānic Milieu from Böwering, G; McAuliffe, J: Texts and Studies on the Qur’ān, Vol.6, Brill 2010, pages 407-440.
Stewart, D: Notes on medieval and modern emendations of the Qur’ān, in Reynolds, G (ed): The Qur’ān in its Historical Context, Routledge Studies in the Qur’ān. London / New York: Routledge, 2008. Pages 225-248.
Tesei, T: ‘The Qurʾān(s) in Context(s)’ in Journal Asiatique 309.2 (2021) pp.185-202.
Philology as an exegetical tool
Abbot, N: The Rise of the North Arabic Script and its Ḳur’ānic Development, University of Chicago Press, 1938.
Donner, F and Hasselbach-Andee, R (edd.): Scripts and Scripture, Writing and Religion in Arabia circa 500-700 CE, Late Antique and Medieval Islamic Near East, No. 3, University of Chicago, 2022.
Gross, M: New Ways of Qur’ānic Research: from the Perspective of Comparative Linguistics and Cultural Studies in Ohlig, K (ed): Early Islam: A Critical Reconstruction Based on Contemporary Sources. Prometheus Books, 2013, pp.369-555 (includes a defence of this type of research against cultural relativism).
Arabic linguistics
Butts, A – Once Again, the Twin Histories of Arabic and Aramaic (with a focus on Syriac) in Antoine Borrut, Manuela Ceballos, and Alison Vacca (eds.), Navigating Language in the early Islamic World (Turnhout: Brepols).
Donner, F and Hasselbach-Andee, R (edd.): Scripts and Scripture, Writing and Religion in Arabia circa 500-700 CE, Late Antique and Medieval Islamic Near East, No. 3, University of Chicago, 2022, pp.117-130.
Durie, M: On the Origin of Qurʾānic Arabic, Melbourne School of Theology, Draft paper (that Qurʾānic Arabic, as reflected in its rasm, or consonantal skeleton, developed directly from the Arabic of the Nabataeans).
Fraenkel, S: Die Aramäischen Fremdwörter im Arabischen, Leiden, Brill, 1886.
Hamad, M al -: Nabataean in contact with Arabic: grammatical borrowing in Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, Vol. 44 (2014).
Hoyland, R: Language and Identity: the twin histories of Arabic and Aramaic, Scripta Classica Israelica, Vol. XXIII, 2004, pp.183-199.
Hoyland, R: The Birth of Arabic in Stone, from By the Pen and What They Write, Writing in Islamic Art and Culture, 6th Biennial Hamad Bin Khalifa Symposium on Islamic Art, November 2015.
Hoyland, R: The Language of the Qur’an and a Near Eastern Rip van Winkle, Paper in honour of Dr. Wim Raven, Marburg, May 2012.
Huehnergard, J: Arabic in its Semitic Context in A. Al-Jallad (ed.), Arabic in Context. 400 Years of Arabic at Leiden University (Leiden: Brill, 2017), pp.3-34.
Hussein, T: في الشعر الجاهلي (‘On pre-Islamic Poetry’) Dar al-Nadwa.
Jallad, A al- : A Manual of the Historical Grammar of Arabic, Notes on key issues in phonology and morphology.
Jallad, A al-: Arabic in Contact in the pre-Islamic Period. Draft (7-31-18) of a chapter to appear in Arabic and Contact-Induced Change, ed. C. Lucas and S. Manfredi.
Jallad, A al-: Graeco-Arabica I: the southern Levant. Brill, Leiden, 2017. A discussion of the orthography, morphology, and phonetics of Qur’anic Arabic in contrast to Classical Arabic. Further planned articles are II: Palmyra; III: Dura Europos and IV: The Damascus Palm Fragment.
Jallad, A al – : Safaitic Grammar, in The Semitic Languages, ed. J. Huehnergard, N. Pat-El, 2nd Edtion, Routledge. The northern-most variety of the South Semitic script classified under the umbrella term Ancient North Arabian.
Jallad, A al – : The Arabic of the Islamic conquests: notes on phonology and morphology based on the Greek transcriptions from the first Islamic century.
Jallad, A al – : The case for Proto-Semitic and Proto-Arabic case endings: a reply to Jonathan Owens.
Jallad, A al – : The Damascus Psalm Fragment, Middle Arabic and the Legacy of Old Ḥigāzī, (with a contribution by Ronny Vollandt). Lamine 2, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2020. The work views the language of the Damascus Psalm Fragment as a bridge between the pre-Islamic and Islamic periods of Arabic. It reflects a dialect closely related to that of Qur’ānic orthography and Umayyad period documents and transcriptions— Old Ḥigāzī. The author offers a new hypothesis on the relationship between early forms of Arabic and the origins of what we conventionally call “Classical Arabic.”
Jallad, A al –: The earliest stages of Arabic and its linguistic classification in Routledge Handbook of Arabic Linguistics.
Jallad, A al – : The Linguistic Landscape of Pre-Islamic Arabia – Context for the Qur’ān. Arab grammarians from the 8th and 9th centuries, still the primary source for the pre-Islamic period, were largely unaware of Arabia’s linguistic diversity and cosmopolitanism in the centuries preceding the rise of Islam. This work outlines the linguistic map of pre-Islamic Arabia and dicusses issues such as the development of the Arabic script, literacy and multilingualism in this context, and discusses the stylistic parallels to the Qur’ān found in the inscriptions.
Jallad, A al – : The Word, the Blade and the Pen, Three Thousand Years of Arabic, (Book preview).
Jallad, A al –: Was it sūrat al-Baqārah? Evidence for Antepenultimate Stress in the Quranic Consonantlal Text and its Relevance for صلوهType Nouns.
Jallad, A al –: What is Ancient North Arabian? . An essay discussing the linguistic classification of the epigraphy of North and Central Arabia, focused on addressing the issue of the relationship between these ancient texts and “Arabic”.
Kerr, R: The Language of the Koran, Tingisredux.com. German translation: Ist der Qurʾān in Mekka oder Medina entstanden?. in K.-H. Ohlig und M. Gross (Hg.), Die Entstehung einer Weltreligion III, Inârah-Sammelband 7 (Schiler Verlag, Berlin-Tübingen, 2014), S. 39-45.
Knauf, E – Arabo-Aramaic and ʿArabiyya: From Ancient Arabic to Early Standard Arabic, 200 ce–600 ce in Neuwirth, A; Sinai, N; Marx, M: The Qur’an in Context, Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qur’ānic Milieu from Böwering, G; McAuliffe, J: Texts and Studies on the Qur’ān, Vol.6, Brill 2010, pages 197-254.
Macdonald, M: Ancient Arabia and the written word in M.C.A. Macdonald (ed.), The development of Arabic as a written language (Supplement to the Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 40). Oxford: Archaeopress, 2010, pp. 5–28.
Macdonald, M: Ancient North Arabian, in Woodard, R (ed) The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of the World’s Ancient Languages, Cambridge University press 2004, Chapter 16.
Macdonald, M: Languages, scripts, and the uses of writing among the Nabataeans, The Cincinnati Art Museum, 2003.
Macdonald, M: Reflections on the Linguistic map of pre-Islamic Arabia, Arab. arch. epig. 2000: 11: 28–79.
Nehmé, L: A glimpse of the development of the Nabataean script into Arabic based on old and new epigraphic material, in M.C.A. Macdonald (ed.), The development of Arabic as a written language. (Supplement to the Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 40). Oxford: Archaeopress, 2010, pp. 47–88.
Owens, J: Case and Proto-Arabic, Part I, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies University of London, Vol. 61, No. 1 (1998), pp. 51-73.
Owens, J: Case and Proto-Arabic, Part II, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies University of London, Vol. 61, No. 12 (1998), pp. 215-227.
Owens, J: Reflections on Arabic and Semitic: Can proto-Semitic case be justified? Kervan, International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies, no.19 (2015).
Retsö, J: Arabs and Arabic in the Age of the Prophet in The Qur’ān in Context. Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qur’ānic Milieu ed. A. Neuwirth/N. Sinai/M. Marx, Leiden /Boston 2010 pp. 281-292.
Retsö, J: Aramaic (Syriac) Loanwords in Encyclopaedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics ed. K. Versteegh n& al., Leiden 2006. Vol. 1 pp. 178-182.
Retsö, J: Das Arabische der vorislamischen Zeit bei klassischen und orientalischen Autoren. Neue Beiträge zur Semitistik. Erstes Arbeitstreffen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Semitistik in der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft vom 11. bis 13 September 2000 an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (JBVO 5) Wiesbaden 2002 139-146.
Selmani, L: Der Koran und die arabische Schrift: Der mündliche Prophet und seine schriftliche umma in Zeitschrift fur Religionswissenschaft, September 2019, 27(2), pp.239-267.
Shaddel, M: Qurʾānic ummī: Genealogy, Ethnicity, and the Foundation of a New Community in Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 43, 2016, pp. 1-60.
Vollers, K: Volkssprache und Schriftsprache im alten Arabien, Strasbourg, Verlag von Karl J. Trübner, 1906.
Foreign vocabulary in the Qur’ān
Carter, M – Foreign Vocabulary in Rippin, A (ed): The Blackwell Companion to the Qur’ān Blackwell Publishing, 2006, pages 120-139.
Dye, G: Pourquoi et comment se fait un texte canonique? (Reflections on the history of the Qur’ān) Hérésies, 2015, pp 55-104.
Dye, G: (لماذا وكيف يصبح النَّص مقدَّسًا؟ (بعض الأفكار حول تاريخ القرآن Tr. Nāṣir ben Rajab of Pourquoi et comment se fait un texte canonique? (Reflections on the history of the Qur’ān) Hérésies, 2015, pp 55-104.
Dye, G: Traces of Bilingualism / Multilingualism in Qur’ānic Arabic from Arabic in Context, ed. Ahmad al-Jallad, Leiden, Brill (Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics).
Hajayneh, H: The usage of Ancient South Arabian and other Arabian languages as an etymological source for Qur’anic vocabulary in Reynolds, G (ed): New Perspectives on the Qur’ān – The Qur’ān in its historical context 2 from Rippin, A (ed): Routledge Studies in the Qur’ān, Routledge 2011, pp.117-146.
Jeffery, A: The Foreign Vocabulary of the Qur’ān with a Foreword by G. Böwering and J. D McAuliffe. Brill Leiden, Boston, 2007.
Kropp, M: Beyond single words: Mā’ida – Shayṭan – jibt and ṭāghūt. Mechanisms of transmission into the Ethiopic (Ge‘ez) Bible and the Qur’ānic text in Reynolds, G (ed): The Qur’ān in its Historical Context, Routledge Studies in the Qur’ān. London / New York: Routledge, 2008. Pages 204-216.
Kropp, M: ما وراء الفاظ مفردة in Reynolds, G (ed): القرآن في محيطه التاريخي – Tr. Sa‘d Allah al-Sa‘dī, Al-Jamal Publications, 2012, pp.303-320.
Kropp, M: The Ethiopic Satan = Šayṭān and its Quranic successor with a note on verbal stoning, Christianisme Oriental, Kérygme et Histoire, 2007.
Kropp, M – Viele fremde Tische, und noch einer im Koran: Zur Etymologie von äthiopisch ma’ed(de) und arabish mā’ida / mayda in Oriens Christianus, Band 87 – 2003.
Monferrer-Sala, J: One More Time on the Arabized Nominal Form Iblīs. Studia Orientalia, Vol. 112, Finnish Oriental Society, pp.55-70. A discussion on the origins of the terms Iblīs and Shayṭān in the Qur’ān.
Pennachio, C: Lexical Borrowing in the Qur’ān The Problematic Aspects of Arthur Jeffery’s List. Bulletin du Centre de recherche français a Jérusalem, 22 (2011). An evaluation and updating of A. Jeffery’s The Foreign Vocabulary of the Qur’ān.
Toorawa, Sh: Hapaxes in the Qur’ān: identifying and cataloguing lone words (and loanwords) in Reynolds, G (ed): New Perspectives on the Qur’ān – The Qur’ān in its historical context 2 from Rippin, A (ed): Routledge Studies in the Qur’ān, Routledge 2011, pp.193-246.
Zinner, S: The Phoenix of 2 Enoch/3 Baruch in Qurʾān Sūra 100. A disproportionate amount of the total words in āyāt 1-5 of Qurʾān Sūra 100 are hapax legomena, namely, al-ʿādiyāti, ḍabḥā, qadḥā, al-mūriyāt, naqʿā and wasaṭna. Since these words were intensely disputed by traditional tafsīr authorities, part of the difficulty may lie in the possible status of at least some of these words as foreign loanwords. Enochic traditions of Rabbinic literature may shed light on sūra 100.
Some key terms and passages
Reference work:
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Muslim Historiography
Sīra texts
Anthony, S (ed and tr.): The Expeditions – An Early Biography of Muḥammad by Maʿmar ibn Rāshid according to the recension of ʿAbd al-Razzāq al-Ṣanʿānī, New York University Press 2014.
Guillaume, A: The Life of Muhammad A Translation of Ishāq’s Sīrat Rasūl Allāh, Karachi, Oxford University Press, 1998.
Ibn Ishāq: السيرة النبوية (‘The Life of the Messenger of God’ – Arabic text) Ed. A. al-Muzīdī, Dār al-Kutub al-ʽIlmiyya, Beirut 2004.
Ibn Kathīr: The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Volume I, Al-Sīra al-Nabawiyya, Tr. Trevor Le Gassick, Garnet Publishing, 1998. (NB – very large file: 98 MB)
Ibn Kathīr: The Battles of the Prophet (from al-Bidāya wal-Nihāya) Tr. W. al-Shihab. Dar Al-Manarah, El-Mansoura, 2001.
Tabari, al-: Al-Tabarī’s History, Vol 9 – The Last Years of the Prophet From I. Poonawala (tr. and ed.) The History of al-Tabarī, Vol. IX, Bibliotheca Persica, State University of New York Press.
Sīra historiography
Berg, H – Context: Muhammad in Rippin, A (ed): The Blackwell Companion to the Qur’ān Blackwell Publishing, 2006, pages 187-204. (On the connections between Muhammad and the Qur’ān, Muhammad’s role in Shaping the Qur’ān and the Qur’ān’s role in shaping the biography of Muhammad).
Crone, P: What do we actually know about Mohammed? https://opendemocracy.net/faith-europe_islam/mohammed_3866.jsp June 2008.
Djait, H: في السيرة النبوية – الوحي والقرآن والنبوة (‘The Revelation, the Qur’ān and Prophecy’), On the Prophet’s Sīra – 1 – Dār al-Ṭalīʽa, Beirut, 1999.
Görke, A: Authorship in the Sira Literature, in Lale Behzadi, Jaakko Hämeen-Antilla (eds.), Concepts of Authorship in Pre-Modern Arabic Texts, Bamberg 2015, 63-92.
Görke, A: Prospects and Limits in the Study of the Historical Muḥammad. From The Transmission and Dynamics of the Textual Sources of Islam, Essays in Honour of Harald Motzki. Leiden, Brill, pp.137-151.
Görke, A; Schoeler, G: Reconstructing the Earliest sira Texts: the Hijra in the Corpus of ‘Urwa b. al-Zubayr, Der Islam 82 (2005), 209-220.
Hoyland, R: Writing the Biography of the Prophet Muhammad: Problems and Solutions History Compass 5 (2007). Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2007.
Jansen, J: Subjective and Objective Problems with the Canonical Biography known as the Sîra, with special reference to Q 9:37 and Q 44:54. Otzenhausen, 4th Inârah Conference, 21 March 2014.
Jeffery, A: The Quest of the Historical Muhammad.The Muslim World, vol. 16: 327-48, 1926.
Jeffery, A: بحثاً عن مُحَمَّدٍ التَّاريِخي (Arabic tr. of The Quest of the Historical Muhammad). The Muslim World, vol. 16: 327-48, 1926.
Peters, F: The Quest of the Historical Muhammad, in: IJMES 23 (1991): 291-315
Robinson, C: History and Heilgeschichte in early Islam: Some observations on prophetic history and biography
Robinson, C: Islamic Historiography, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Rubin, U: The Eye of the Beholder: The Life of Muhammad as Viewed by the Early Muslims. Princeton, NJ: Darwin Press, 1995.
Schoeler, G: Foundations for a New Biography of Muhammad: The Production and Evaluation of the Corpus of Traditions according to ‘Urwah b. al-Zubayr in Berg, H (ed): Method and Theory in the Study of Islamic Origins. Islamic History and Civilisation. Studies and Texts, Volume 49, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2003, pp.21-28.
Schoeler, G: The Biography of Muḥammad – Nature and Authenticity, Routledge 2011.
Shoemaker, S: In search of ‘Urwa’s Sīra: Some Methodological Issues in the Quest for ‘Authenticity’ in the Life of Muhammad Der Islam Bd. 85, S. 257–344.
Williams, R: An Analysis of the Supernatural Archetype of the Prophet Muḥammad as Found in the Sīra/Ta’rīkh and Tafsīr Works of al-Ṭabarī and Ibn Kathīr, PhD Thesis, 2006.
Studies on the Life of Muhammad
Andrae, T – Mohammed: The Man and his Faith, tr. by T. Menzel of Mohammed, Sein Leben und Sein Glaube, Harper Torchbooks, New York, 1955.
Bora, C : “All we know is What We Have Been Told” : Reflections on Emigration and Land as Divine Heritage in the Qur’ān, in Carlos A. Segovia and Basil Lourié (eds): The Coming of the Comforter: When, Where, and to Whom? Studies on the Rise of Islam and Various Other Topics in Memory of John Wansbrough, xv–xxiv. Gorgias Press, 2012, pp.303-342.
Casanova, P: Mohammed and the End of the World, Critical Study of Primitive Islam, tr. D.R. Ross, 2016.
Casanova, P: Mohammed et la fin du monde, Étude critique sur l’Islam primitif. Paris, Geuthner, 1911. NB Large file, MB.
Courtieu, G: Al-Muttalib : La présence d’un Dieu dans la famille de Mahomet, Cahiers du Cercle Ernest Renan 248/2009.
Gilliot, C: Die Schreib- und/oder Lesekundigkeit in Mekka und Yathrib/Medina zur Zeit Mohammeds (‘Literacy in Mecca and Yathriib at the time of Muhammad’). From Groß (Markus)/Karl-Heinz Ohlig (Hg.), Schlaglichter. Die beiden ersten islamischen Jahrhunderte, Berlin, Verlag Hans Schiler (Inārah. Schriften zur frühen Islamgeschichte und zum Koran, 3), 2008, p. 293-319
Gilliot, C: Hieß der Prophet Muḥammad? Inārah, http://www.2013.inarah.de/index.php?id=128
Goldziher, I: Mohammed and Islam Tr. K . Seelye, Yale University Press, 1917.
Kalisch, S: Islamische Theologie ohne historischen Muḥammad – Anmerkungen zu den Herasuforderungen der historisch-kritischen Methode für das islamische Denken in Imprimatur, Heft 1, 2021.
Kerr, R: Zur Mohammeddämmerung. Homer und Mohammed als fiktive Gestalten, Imprimatur 49/1 (2016): 57-61. Inara.de.
Margoliouth, D: Mohammed and the Rise of Islam 3rd Edition, Putnam’s, London, New York 1905.
Motzki, H: The Biography of Muḥammad: The Issue of the Sources, Islamic History and Civilization – Studies and Texts, Vol. 32, Brill, Leiden 2000.
Newby, G – The Making of the Last Prophet: A reconstruction of the earliest biography of Muhammad. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, 1989.
Powers, D – Muḥammad is Not the Father of Any of Your Men: The Making of the Last Prophet, Philadelphia 2009.
Reynolds, G: Remembering Muḥammad, Numen 58 (2011), pp.188-206, Brill, Leiden 2011.
Rodinson, M: Mahomet, Éditions du Seuil, May 1994.
Rodinson, M: Mohammed (English tr.by A. Carter) Penguin Books, 1985.
Rubin, U: The Great Pilgrimage of Muhammad: Some Notes on Sura IX, Journal of Semitic Studies 27 (1982), 241–260. (On the Prophet’s Islamisation of the Hajj and its detachment from the Spring Passover and Easter festivals aof the Jews and Christians).
Shoemaker, S: The Death of a Prophet: The End of Muhammad’s Life and the Beginnings of Islam. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010.
Sprenger, A: The Life of Mohammad, from Original Sources. Allahabad 1851. Engl tr. of Das Leben und die Lehre des Mohammad, nach bisher grösstentheils unbenutzten Quellen.
Watt, W M : Muhammad at Mecca, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1953.
Watt, W M: محمد في مكة (Arabic tr. of Muhammad at Mecca) Tr. Dr. A. al-Shaykh, Cairo 1994.
Watt, W M: Muhammad at Medina, Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1956.
Watt, W M: Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman, London: Oxford University Press, 1961.
Early historical writing
Source texts
Tabari, al- تاريخ الطبري (‘Al-Tabarī’s History’ – Arabic text) (NB – very large file: 62 MB)
Tabari, al-: Al-Tabarī’s History, Vol 39 –Biographies of the Prophet’s Companions and their Successors From E. Landau-Tasseron (tr. and ed.) The History of al-Tabarī, Vol. XXXIX, Bibliotheca Persica, State University of New York Press.
Studies on Muslim historiography on early Islam
Astren, F: Re-reading the Arabic sources: Jewish history and the Muslim conquests. JSAI 36 (2009) pp.83-130.
Bamdadan, M: Die dunkle Krypta, Eine vergleichende Analyses der islamischen Historiographie. Inarah,de.
Donahue, T: To what extent is the term “Jāhiliyya” an appropriate label to describe the milieu in which Islam emerged? A Psycho-Social Interpretation of the Religious Construction of Jāhiliyya (‘Freud, Religion and Jahiliyya Poetry’).
Donner, F: Narratives of Islamic Origins: The Beginnings of Islamic Historical Writing. Princeton, NJ: Darwin Press, 1998.
Drory, R: The Abbasid Construction of the Jahiliyya: Cultural Authority in the Making. In Studia Islamica, 1996/1 (February), pp. 38-49.
Gilliot, C : Al-Ṭabarī and the ‘history of Salvation’, in Hugh Kennedy (ed.), Al-Tabari, A Medieval historian and his work, Princeton NJ, The Darwin Press (SLAEI, 15), 2008, VII+384 p. 131-140.
Gilliot, C : La transmission du message muhammadien. Juristes et théologiens (‘The transmission of Mohammad’s legacy. Jurists and theologians’). 2012 G. 3.140. From Thiérry Bianquis, Pierre Guichard, Matthieu Tillier (sous la direction de), Les Débuts du monde musulman. De Muhammad aux dynasties autonomes, Paris, PUF (Nouvelle Clio), 2012, chap. XXV, 373-406.
Gilliot, C: Mythe, récit, histoire du salut dans le Commentaire coranique de Tabari (‘Myth, narrative, history of salvation in Tabari’s Koranic Commentary’). JA (Journal Asiatique), CCLXXXII (1994), p. 237-70. (NB large file: 53 MB)
Görke, A: Die frühislamische Geschichtsüberlieferung zu Hudaibiya, Der Islam 74 (1997), 193-237.
Görke, A: The historical Tradition about al-Hudaybiya: A Study of ‘Urwa b. al-Zubayr’s Account, in: Harald Motzki (ed.), The Biography of Muhammad: The Issue of the Sources, Leiden 2000, 240-275. (English translation of Die frühislamische Geschichtsüberlieferung zu Hudaibiya).
Görke, A: The relationship between maghāzī and hadīth in early Islamic scholarship, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies / Volume 74 / Issue 02 / June 2011, pp 171-185
Grodzki , M: “Muslims” and “Islam” in Middle Eastern Literature of the 7th and 8th Centuries AD: An Alternative Perspective of West European Oriental Scholarship, in Studia Orientalia Vol. 112, Finnish Oriental Society, 2012.
Hoyland, R: Arabic, Syriac and Greek Historiography in the First Abbasid Century: an Inquiry into Inter-cultural Traffic, ARAM 3:1&2 (1991) pp.211-233.
Hoyland, R: History, Fiction and Authorship in early Islam.
Karimi-Nia, M: The Historiography of the Qur’an in the Muslim World: The Influence of Theodor Nöldeke, Journal of Qur’anic Studies 15i (2013)
Lindstedt, I: The portrayal of the pre-Islamic Arabs as murderers of their own infants.
Motzki, H: Analysing Muslim Traditions, Studies in Legal, Exegetical and Maghāzī Ḥadīth. With Nicolet Boekhoff-van der Voort and Sean W. Anthony, Brill, Leiden and Boston, 2010.
Nöldeke, T: Zur tendenziösen Gestaltung der Urgeschichte des Islām’s. ZDMG (Leipzig) 52. 1898, pp.16-33.
Noth, A: The Early Arabic Historical Tradition: a Source-Critical Study. Second edition, in collaboration with Lawcrend Conrad. Trans. Michael Bonner. Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam 3. Princeton: Darwin Press.
Ohlig, K: Zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte des Islam. Geschichte und Geschichten, in Markus Groß / Karl-Heinz Ohlig (Hg.), Die Entstehung einer Weltreligion II. Von der koranischen Bewegung zum Frühislam (Inârah. Schriften zur frühen Islamgeschichte und zum Koran, Bd. 6), Verlag Hans Schiler: Berlin 2011, 814 S.
Toral-Niehoff, I: Talking about Arab origins: The transmission of the ayyām al-ʿarab in Kūfah, Baṣrah and Bagdad, in Scheiner, Damien Janos (eds.) Contexts of Learning in Baghdad from the 8th to the 10th centuries. Proceedings of the International Conference in Göttingen 12.-14. September 2011.
Webb, P: Al-Jāhiliyya: Uncertain Times of Uncertain Meanings. Der Islam 91 (2014) 69-94.
Webb, P: Creating Arab Origins: Muslim Constructions of al-Jāhiliyya and Arab History, Doctoral thesis, SOAS, London 2014.
Webb, P: Cry me a Jāhiliyya: Muslim Reconstructions of Pre-Islamic Arabian Culture – A Case Study in Islam at 250: Studies in Memory of G.H.A. Juynboll, 2020, pp.235-280.
Webb, P: Pre-Islamic al-Sham in Classical Arabic Literature. Studia Islamica 110 (2015) 135-164.
Webb, P: The Hajj before Muhammad in The Hajj: Collected Papers, Liana Saif and Venetia Porter (eds), London: British Museum Press, 2013, 6-14.
Hadith and early Fiqh
Historical influences on the development of Islam as a faith
‘Abd al-Karim, Kh: الجذور التاريخية للشريعة الإسلامية (‘The Historical Roots of Islamic Sharīʻa’) Dar Misr al-Mahrusa, Cairo 2004.
‘Abd al-Rāziq, ‘Alī: الإسلام وأصول الحكم Islam and the Foundations of Governance: an Investigation into the Caliphate and Government in Islam, Dar al-Hilal, 1925.
Berg, H: Competing Paradigms in the Study of Islamic Origins: Qur’ān 15:89-91 and the Value of Isnāds, in Method and Theory in the Study of Islamic Origins, pp.259-290.
Burton, J: Qur’ān and Sunnah: A Case of Cultural Disjunction in Berg, H (ed): Method and Theory in the Study of Islamic Origins. Islamic History and Civilisation. Studies and Texts, Volume 49, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2003, pp.137-158.
Burton, J: The Sources of Islamic Law: Islamic Theories of Abrogation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1990.
Calder, N: Islamic Jurisprudence in the Classical Era Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Calder, N: Studies in Early Muslim Jurisprudence. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1993.
Cook, D: New Testament Citations in the Ḥadīth Literature and the Question of Early Gospel Translations into Arabic in Grypeou, E (ed): The Encounter of Eastern Christianity with Early Islam, Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2006, pp.185-224.
Cook, M: The Opponents of the Writing of Tradition in Early Islam, Arabica T. 44, Fasc. 4, Voix et Calame en Islam Médiéval (Oct., 1997), pp. 437-530.
Crone, P: Jāhilī and Jewish Law: the qasāma. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 4. Jerusalem, 1984. Ashgate Variorum.
Crone, P: Roman, Provincial and Islamic Law: The Origins of the Islamic Patronate. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Fawzi, I: تدوين السنة (‘The Documentation of Sunnah and Hadith’), Riad el-Rayyes, 2nd Ed. 1995.
Fishman, T: Guarding Oral Transmission: Within and Between Cultures, Oral Tradition, 25/1 (2010): 41-5.
Goldziher, I: Introduction to Islamic Theology and Law Translated by. A. Hamor and R. Hamori, Princeton University Press, 1981.
Goldziher, I: تاريخ التطور العقدي والتشريعي في الدين الإسلامي (Arabic tr. of Introduction to Islamic Theology and Law); 2nd Ed. Dār al-Kutub al-Hadītha, Cairo, Baghdad,
Goldziher, I: درسهای در باره اسلام (Persian tr. of Introduction to Islamic Theology and Law); 2nd Ed. 1938. (The translation includes chapters I to IV. Chapters V ‘The Sects’ and VI ‘Later Develoments’ are untranslated).
Goldziher, I: Muhammedanische Studien (Part I) (NB Large file 64 MB)
Goldziher, I: Muhammedanische Studien (Part II: Ueber die Entwicklung des Hadith) (NB Large file: 64 MB)
Goldziher, I: Muslim Studies (Muhammedanische Studien), Part 1 – Muruwwa and Dīn; The Arabic Tribes and Islam; ‘Arab and ‘Ajam; The Shu‘ūbiyya; The Shu‘ūbiyya and its manifestation in scholarship; Excursuses and Annotations, Tr. C. Barber and S. Stern, New York, 1966.
Goldziher, I: Muslim Studies (Muhammedanische Studien), Part 2 – On the Development of Hadith and the Veneration of Saints, Excursuses and Annotations, Tr. C. Barber and S. Stern, New York, 1966.
Görke, A: Eschatology, History, and the Common Link: A Study in Methodology, in: Herbert Berg (ed.), Method and Theory in the Study of Islamic Origins, Leiden 2003, 179-208.
Hakim, A: Conflicting Images of Lawgivers: The Caliph and the Prophet: Sunna ‘Umar and Sunnat Muḥammad in Berg, H (ed): Method and Theory in the Study of Islamic Origins. Islamic History and Civilisation. Studies and Texts, Volume 49, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2003, pp.159-178.
Hallaq, W: The authenticity of Prophetic Hadith: A Pseudo-problem, Studia Islamica 99 (1999), pp. 75-90
Hallaq, W: The Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Hilali, A : Authentifier le texte sacré en islam. Science du texte et science des hommes, in Unus inter pares. Studies on Shared Scholarship, éd. Pascale Catherine Hummel, Philologicum, Paris, 2009, p. 67-79.
Hilali, A: Compiler, exclure, cacher. Les traditions dites « forgées » dans l’Islam sunnite (VIe/XIIe siècle)” in Revue d’Histoire des Religions, Paris, 2 -2011.
Hilali, A: The Notion of Truth in Hadith Sciences, in Johannes Thon (ed.) The Claim of Truth in Religious Contexts, Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte 27, Halle-Wittenberg, 2009.
Juynboll, G: Muslim Tradition, Studies in chronology, provenance and authorship of early ḥadīth, Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization, Cambridge University Press, 1983.
Motzki, H: Abraham, Hagar and Ishmael at Mecca: A Contribution to the Problem of Dating Muslim Traditions, in Books and Written Culture of the Islamic World. Studies Presented to Claude Gilliot on the Occasion of His 75th Birthday, ed. by A. Rippin and R. Tottoli, Leiden/Boston 2015, pp. 361-384.
Motzki, H: Dating Muslim Traditions: A Survey, Arabica LII,2 (Brill, Leiden) 2005.
Motzki, H: Ewig wahre Quellen? Wie glaubwürdig sind die Hadithe? in Schneiders, T (ed.): Islamverherrlichung: Wenn die Kritik zum Tabu wird, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010, pp.57-72.
Motzki, H: Methods of Dating Early Legal Traditions, Islamic Law and Society 19 (2012), pp.1-10.
Motzki, H: The Origins of Islamic Jurisprudence: Meccan Fiqh before the Classical Schools. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2001.
Motzki, H: The Question of the Authenticity of Muslim Traditions Reconsidered: A Review Article in: Herbert Berg (ed.), Method and Theory in the Study of Islamic Origins, Leiden 2003, pp.211-258.
Motzki, H: The Role of non-Arab Converts in the Development of early Islamic Law, Islamic Law and Society, 6,3, Brill, Leiden 1999.
Muhammad, Y: مشكلة الحديث Mu’assasat al-Intishar al-Arabi, Beirut 2007.
Powers, D: The Qur’ān and its Legal Environment in Deconstructing Islamic Studies (Ilex Foundation), 2020. Demonstrates a number of contemporary legal practicies (Aramaic, Roman, Byzantine) which the Qur’ān later presented as a command from Allah.
Reinhart, A: Juybolliana, Gradualism, the Big Bang, and Ḥadīth Study in the Twenty-First Century, Dartmouth College.
Sadeghi, B: The Traveling Tradition Text: A Method for Dating Traditions, Der Islam, 2008; 85,1.
Schacht, J: A Revaluation of Islamic Traditions, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1949): 143-154.
Schacht, J: An Introduction to Islamic Law, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1982.
Schacht, J: Der Islam, mit Ausschluss des Qor’āns, Tübingen 1931.
Schacht, J: The Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1950.
Schacht, J: اصول الفقه (Arabic tr. of The Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence ) Dār al-Kutub al-Lubnānī, Beirut, 1981.
Shah, M (ed): The Hadīth, Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies (Introduction), Routledge, London, New York, 2010.
Archaeology, Epigraphy, Numismatics and Topography
Al-Isa, M: (هل كانت بداية الإسلام في بلاد الشام؟) تاريخ الاسلام المبكر (‘The History of Early Islam – Were the beginnings of Islam in Syria?’)
Bacharach, J: Signs of Sovereignty, the Shahāda, Qurʾanic verses, and the coinage of ʿAbd al-Malik,in Muqarnas, Volume 27, 2010.
Bates, M: Roman and Early Muslim Coinage in North Africa. From North Africa from Antiquity to Islam: Papers of a Conference held at Bristol, October 1994 (ed. Mark Horton and Thomas Wiedemann; Centre for Mediterranean Studies, University of Bristol, Occasional Paper 13; Bristol, 1995), pp. 12-15.
Blair, S; Bloom, J – Inscriptions in art and architecture in McAuliffe, J (ed): The Cambridge Companion to the Qur’ān Cambridge University Press 2007, pages 163-180.
Gibson, D: اتجاه الصلاة – القبلة الإسلامي الأول Arabic tr. of references from the book Qur’ānic Geography – A survey of the geographical references in the Qur’ān, by D. Gibson.
Gibson, D: Four Ka’bas. A discussion on early Islamic Qiblas, arguing that the first Kaʽba was built at Petra and the last at Mecca. An examination of the archaeological remains of the Petran Kaʽba, and a comparison with the descriptions given by early Muslim writers. April 2018.
Gibson, D: Qur’ānic Geography. Independent Scholars Press (2011). A survey and evaluation of the geographical references in the Qur’ān, presenting a comprehensive study of every geographic reference in the Qur’ān in light of its historic context. Qur’ānic geographic references are concentrated in North Arabia. The original “Holy City” of Islam is not Mecca but another major prosperous ancient center of trade – Petra.
Gibson, D: Qur’ānic Geography (Summary of the book’s argument).
Gibson, D: Supporting Evidence that Petra was the original Holy City of Mecca (Part VII of Early Islamic Qiblas) Canbooks.CA.
Grodzki, M: Christian-Muslim Symbolism on Coins of the Early Arab Empire (7 –8th century CE), An Attempt at a New Approach, Asian and African Studies, Volume 23, Number 2, 2014.
Grodzki, M: Yehuda D. Nevo – a comprehensive skeptical theory on the genesis of Islam, Rocznik Orientalistyczny, T. LXXI, Z. 1, 2018, (pp.55-95). (Employing archaeology and epigraphy).
Heger, C: Yā muḥammad – kein “O Mohammed”, under wer ist ‘alī? in Groß, M and Ohlig K, Die beiden ersten islamischen Jahrhunderte, Berlin (Verlag Hans Schiler) 2008, pp. 278-292. Evidence from an ancient talisman that the terms ‘muḥammad’ and ‘alī’ were titles, not names.
Heidemann, S: Numismatics. From Robinson, C (ed): The New Cambridge History of Islam, Volume 1, The Formation of the Islamic world, Sixth to Eleventh centuries. Part IV: The Historiography of Early Islamic History, p. 648ff. Cambridge University Press 2010.
Heidemann, S – The Evolving Representation of the Early Islamic Empire and its Religion on Coin Imagery in Neuwirth, A; Sinai, N; Marx, M: The Qur’an in Context, Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qur’ānic Milieu from Böwering, G; McAuliffe, J: Texts and Studies on the Qur’ān, Vol.6, Brill 2010, pages 149-196.
Hoyland, R: Arab kings, Arab tribes and the beginnings of Arab historical memory in late Roman epigraphy.
Hoyland, R: Epigraphy in Encyclopaedia of the Qur’ān, Brill, Leiden, Vol. 2.
Hoyland, R: Epigraphy and the Emergence of Arab Identity, in From al-Andalus to Khurasan, Documents from the Medieval Muslim World, Brill 2007, pp.219-242.
Hoyland, R: Epigraphy and the linguistic background to the Qur’ān in Reynolds, G (ed): The Qur’ān in its Historical Context, Routledge Studies in the Qur’ān. London / New York: Routledge, 2008. Pages 51-69.
Hoyland, R: New documentary texts and the early Islamic state Bulletin of SOAS, 69, 3 (2006), 395–416. School of Oriental and African Studies.
Johns, J: Archaeology and the History of Early Islam: the First Seventy Years, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 46.4.
Kennet, D: On the eve of Islam: archaeological evidence from Eastern Arabia Antiquity, 79 (303) 2005, pp. 107-118.
Kerr, R: Die islamische Kabbala: eine Neuorientierung, Inârah 9, 2020.
Kerr, R: Kann die semitische Epigraphik etwas über die Enstehung des Korans erzählen? in Gross M; Ohlig, K: Die Entstehung einer Weltreligion I, Berlin, Schiler, 2010 (Von der aramaischen Lesekulture zur arabischen Schreibkultur I).
Kerr, R: The Language of the Koran, Tingisredux.com. German translation: Ist der Qurʾān in Mekka oder Medina entstanden?. in K.-H. Ohlig und M. Gross (Hg.), Die Entstehung einer Weltreligion III, Inârah-Sammelband 7 (Schiler Verlag, Berlin-Tübingen, 2014), S. 39-45.
Lindstedt, I – Epigraphy in Islamic studies: a bibliographic guide.
Lindstedt, I: Who is in, who is out? Early Muslim identity through epigraphy and theory, in Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 46 (2019).
Little, J: Identifying the Qurʾānic Milieu (“Where Was the Koran Written?”)
Luxenberg, C: A New Interpretation of the Arabic Inscription in Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock in Ohlig, K; Puin, G (eds): The Hidden Origins of Islam: New Research into Its Early History, Hans Schiller Verlag, 2005, Prometheus Books, 2008, pp.125-152.
Marsham, A: The Architecture of Allegiance in Early Islamic Late Antiquity: The Accession of Mu‘awiya in Jerusalem, ca. 661 CE. In Beihammer A; Constantinou, S; Parani, M (eds) Court Ceremonies and Rituals of Power in Byzantium and the Mediaeval Mediterranean, Comparative Perspectives. Brill 2013.
Milwright, M: The Dome of the Rock and its Umayyad Mosaic Inscriptions, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh Studies in Islamic Art, 1, 2016.
Milwright, M: Archaeology and material culture in Robinson, C (ed): The New Cambridge History of Islam – Vol 1 – Formation of the Islamic World Sixth to Eleventh Centuries, Cambridge University Press, 2011, pages 664-682.
Munt, H: The Holy City of Medina: Sacred Space in Early Islamic Arabia, Cambridge University Press 2014.
Myers, A: The Early Religious Beliefs of the Arabs of Palestine, Seminar Paper for Islamic Archaeology of Syria and Palestine, April 2015.
Popp, V: The Early History of Islam, Following Inscriptional and Numismatic Testimony in Ohlig, K; Puin, G (eds): The Hidden Origins of Islam: New Research into Its Early History, Hans Schiller Verlag, 2005, Prometheus Books, 2008, pp.17-124.
Popp, V: From Ugarit to Sāmarrā’ – An Archeological Journey on the Trail of Ernst Herzfeld in Ohlig, K (ed): Early Islam: A Critical Reconstruction Based on Contemporary Sources. Prometheus Books, 2013, pp.14-175. (On the pre-history of terms such as ‘muḥammad’, ‘ṣamad’ ‘Qur’ān’ and ‘Islam’ and the meaning of ‘arab’ and an alternative view on the historical and doctrinal development of what later became ‘Islam’).
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