Mosques of Mischief – 1
THIS IS IN ADDITION to a number of rare Hadīths such as ‘the finest soldiers are from Egypt” and the…
Progressive, Enlightened Voices from the Arab World
THIS IS IN ADDITION to a number of rare Hadīths such as ‘the finest soldiers are from Egypt” and the…
YET ARAB AND ISLAMIC history did experience a renaissance prior to that which took place in the West, although it…
THE DIFFERENCE between them is one of degree, not of type. This is how Dr. Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd[1] characterised…
THIS RECONCILIATION can be carried out by situating the revelation process within the history that the revelation process practiced on…
WHILE THE QUR’ĀN portrayed the Islamic nation as one that calls to charitableness, tolerance, love, harmony, mercy and justice for…
THE FIRST IS that there was no single intellectual school of thought either in Basra or later in Baghdad that…
NO ONE CAN DENY that anyone who reads a text, particularly if that text is ‘sanctified’, must make use of…
TAKING THINGS from this view, we will attempt to examine here the widespread dictum concerning the Qur’ān which runs: “The…
MUSLIMS POINT to the damage caused by delay in the updating of religious thought in four broad areas: 1 –…
‘Fundamentalism’ did not originally have the negative connotation it has today. Now, however, it has come to mean merely the…