The Hijab is a political slogan – 2
IN ANY SOCIETAL issue that is marked by continuous change and influence from the cultural and social environment, such as…
Progressive, Enlightened Voices from the Arab World
IN ANY SOCIETAL issue that is marked by continuous change and influence from the cultural and social environment, such as…
WE NEED FIRST to shed some light on the plurality of religious opinions and interpretations, old and new, concerning the…
THE QUR’ĀN DOES NOT talk about a story of revelation to Muḥammad as it did with the Jewish prophets, and there…
MĀLIK MUSULMĀNĪ MAKES the following comments on al-Kindī’s Risāla: We understand from the Risāla of al-Kindī that the Qur’ān in the beginning was…
IF WE TAKE the first example, the man wearing patchwork, this refers to ‘Umar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb. The Ahl al-Sunna wal-Jamā‘a…
IN THE CASE OF readings, discussion about the form of the Qur’ānic text ought to be conducted in the context of…
INITIALLY, THE PUBLICATION of this edition was a purely Egyptian affair. It was the work of a government-appointed committee led by Muḥammad…
THESE WERE THE PREVAILING currencies of the time when the provisions of jurisprudential dealings such as zakāt, blood money, penance,…
BY CIRCULATING IN THE ORBIT of these narrators and their fallacies and errors, hadith scholars departed from the circle of…
THE SUFIS, for example, have their Shaykh Abdullah Al-Hararī, founder of the Al-Aḥbāsh group in Lebanon, then there is Shaykh…