Ramadan between the Manichaeans and the Mandaeans
ACCORDING TO THE official Islamic narrative, fasting in the month of Ramaḍān was imposed during the second year of the…
Progressive, Enlightened Voices from the Arab World
ACCORDING TO THE official Islamic narrative, fasting in the month of Ramaḍān was imposed during the second year of the…
THE AUTHOR QUOTES the Islamic historian Al-Dhahabī’s report of the most prominent features of the year 143 AH, during the…
IN THE QUR’ĀN, the Hebrew Bible is referred to in two different ways: the ‘Book’ and the ‘Torah’. The Torah…
MUḤAMMAD REPEATEDLY STATED that ‘the book’ (the Qur’ān) is nothing but a confirmation of the previous books (the Torah and the Bible) to…
CHRISTIANITY, FOR EXAMPLE, is an extension of Judaism and the Old Testament (Jewish ‘Torah’) remains for Christians part of their…
CONFIRMING WHAT AL-KINDĪ said concerning the burning of the six recensions of the Qur’ān during the reign of ‘Abd al-Malik…
HE CONSIDERED THIS a Christian heresy and cast light on the nature of the relationship between Muḥammad and a certain…
THIS IS CONFIRMED by the work of scholars and researchers on the distortion of the Qur’ān, and it is from…
MORE THAN A TOOL for the transmission of hadiths, the isnād informed history, politics and power. ‘Alī al-Dayrī’s work The Best of Centuries:…
A CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING of heritage should be a necessity for those who specialize in religious sciences. We have specialists writing…