Modern research and the traditional Islamist narrative – 2
WHEREAS IN VERSE 82 we have this passage: Thou wilt find the most vehement of mankind in hostility to those…
Progressive, Enlightened Voices from the Arab World
WHEREAS IN VERSE 82 we have this passage: Thou wilt find the most vehement of mankind in hostility to those…
WHAT IS TRULY heartbreaking is that the major questions and problems related to our religion and our Holy Book often…
IN THE QUR’ĀN, the Hebrew Bible is referred to in two different ways: the ‘Book’ and the ‘Torah’. The Torah…
JUST AS WITH the Biblical text, the Qur’ān includes many phrases such as ‘Praise be to God’, and supplications, poems,…
TODAY THE TRADITIONAL current is losing ground as new scholars use research methods similar to those used in biblical criticism…
IN THE CASE OF readings, discussion about the form of the Qur’ānic text ought to be conducted in the context of…
INITIALLY, THE PUBLICATION of this edition was a purely Egyptian affair. It was the work of a government-appointed committee led by Muḥammad…
THE NAMES OF THE MONTHS were associated either with the seasons that coincided with them, the activities of the Arabs…
THERE ARE VARIOUS EXPLANATIONS for the reason for these postponed days, with some believing that they were subject to the…
DURING THE 1970S Saudi Arabia’s ambition and desire for influence began to surface. The oil shocks of 1973 and 1979…