Is a dating of the Qur’ān and Islam actually possible?
IN ORDER TO FACILITATE the preservation of the Arab, and later the Islamic, heritage the narrators and the author of…
Progressive, Enlightened Voices from the Arab World
ISLAMISTS MAKE USE of a tendentious reading of history to justify their causes, for the putative ‘Islamic Nation,’ for the call for the Sharī‘a, for the Caliphate, or for the existence of a ‘perennial struggle’ against the forces of Disbelief. This pre-supposes a view of the universe which does not see history as a sequence of events each with their own conditioning factors. Instead, historical events separated by centuries can be linked up and used to explain a preordained thesis, a ‘metanarrative’ that determines all the contours of history, hermetically sealed from the effects of events that contradict this thesis.
History is unfolding according to a pre-determined logic. The Muslim is held to be part of a great historical enterprise unfolding. This history is constantly repeating itself. Or rather, it is a permanent constant – the past and the present are indissolubly merged. The same formula applies down through the centuries and this provides the correct basis on which to engage with current and future events, for it is essentially one and the same contest – the Primordial Struggle between the forces of Truth and Falsehood. It is a formula of conflict that enables Islamists ideologues to claim that:
the conflict of cultures and the hatred has been burning since long before our attacks and in fact before Huntington and Fukuyama with their books on the ‘Clash of Civilizations’.This war has been going on ever since the existence of Faith and Disbelief. [Abū Muhammad al-Maqdisī]
As a self-contained entity, the Islamist revision of history immunizes its user intellectually, in much the same way as a fundamentalist doctrine immunizes the believer from challenge. In both cases, the immunization is a key tool to enable the exponent to avoid the implications of contradictions to the system.
Left unchallenged the Islamist historical narrative is a radicalizing force. There is therefore a special responsibility placed on the shoulders of the historian to educate the reader to understand the complexities of actions, reactions, developments and evolutions, against the highly manipulable shorthand of the conspiratorial ‘connecting thread.’ The authors of the articles in this section are taking on this responsibility.
IN ORDER TO FACILITATE the preservation of the Arab, and later the Islamic, heritage the narrators and the author of…
FOR PIOUS FOLK, this reality might feel like an insult and a blasphemy. Some hardliners do not accept that the…
BEFORE COMING TO THE SPREAD of Christianity in the Arabian Peninsula and the Fertile Crescent before and after Islam, we…
THE NAMES OF THE MONTHS were associated either with the seasons that coincided with them, the activities of the Arabs…
THERE ARE VARIOUS EXPLANATIONS for the reason for these postponed days, with some believing that they were subject to the…
THE CURIOUS THING is that the first to believe in Zoroaster was his wife Hvōvī and his cousin Medyomah, and…
THIS IS A CORPUS that is still strengthened by backward social systems, and political patterns that see no interest in…
IN HIS COLLECTION of Ṣaḥīḥ hadiths Muslim narrates a tale that demonstrates the position of ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib as regards Abū Bakr…
WE WILL THEREFORE refer to the books of the Muslims to find out just how deep that brotherly relationship was,…
THIS WAS BECAUSE Imām Ali was aware that “the Qur’ān does not speak, but rather it is men who speak…