The borderlines between the religious and the mundane
IN A NEW PATTERN of human existence Man’s relationship with Man, with material things, with knowledge, truth, memory, time and place,…
Progressive, Enlightened Voices from the Arab World
IN A NEW PATTERN of human existence Man’s relationship with Man, with material things, with knowledge, truth, memory, time and place,…
BY CIRCULATING IN THE ORBIT of these narrators and their fallacies and errors, hadith scholars departed from the circle of…
THE SUFIS, for example, have their Shaykh Abdullah Al-Hararī, founder of the Al-Aḥbāsh group in Lebanon, then there is Shaykh…
BUT IS IT LOGICAL to reduce the entire issue to these Islamic centres, and can they actually perform this act?…
THE PROBLEM LIES in the control of masculine authority over the understanding and interpretation of religious texts and their application…
IT STRIVES TO OVERCOME the paradoxes and apparent contradictions between Islam on the one hand and gender equality on the…
NEVERTHELESS, Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, the wonder of his age, took this hadith as an important reference in his work The Revival…
THIS IS ESPECIALLY so since the first systematic attempt at evaluation (within the limits of the circumstances and tools of…
THEY WERE NOT stripped of the category of ‘the Faith’ and indeed were at times held to be ‘very religious’.…
ONE RESULT OF THIS violent cultural tremor was the splitting of contemporary Arab culture – in all of its societies…