Towards the criminalisation of Takfīr – 2
THIS HAPPENED, for example, in Sudan in 1985, where the victim was Shaykh Mahmoud Muḥammad Ṭaha.[1] President Numeiri had decided…
Progressive, Enlightened Voices from the Arab World
THIS HAPPENED, for example, in Sudan in 1985, where the victim was Shaykh Mahmoud Muḥammad Ṭaha.[1] President Numeiri had decided…
IS IT PERMISSIBLE in the modern era for individuals, committees or institutions to be set up with a mission to…
THERE IS THEREFORE no intellectual obstacle standing in the path of society’s advance towards science, since there have been, and…
AND THIS DESPITE the fact that the Muslim’s belief – as stipulated by the Prophet – is faith in God…
MU’TAZILI THOUGHT – an Islamic thought – led to a scientific resurgence of huge proportions according to the standards of…
THE PARADIGM of contemporary science is an intellectual paradigm manifested in scientific thought and its research and professional paradigms. These…
THE MOST IMPORTANT of these mechanisms, in his view, are the following: Fusing speculation with religion, and the denial of…
ISLAMIC THINKERS such as Abū Hamid al-Ghazali, Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya and others took a negative position on…
TO BE HONEST, we are faced with a jurisprudential paradox that respects the rules of logical analogy and concludes that…
COMTE’S CLASSIFICATION is not definitive in nature and it varies according to the variety of societies that exist, although for…